7 Leadership Commitments for Elite Teams

7 Leadership Commitments for Elite Teams

Regardless of industry, size, geography, or title, we are all impacted by the quality of our leadership, which directly relates to our ability to scale. We are unique in how we lead and what our end goals are, but we can find common ground through our desire to become better leaders.

Since we can all connect through leadership, let’s look at leadership through the lens of a former Navy SEAL…

What is the ‘Working Genius’ Model?

What is the ‘Working Genius’ Model?

We’ve touched on the concept of the Working Genius in previous blogs (See: Trust. The Antidote to the Great Resignation and The 3 Questions to Build Your Dream Team), but we haven’t discussed the model in full detail and, frankly, it deserves its own spotlight. The Six Types of Working Genius is a very powerful assessment that, in my opinion, is superior to any personality test as it focuses on how on the natural talents within a team can enable us to get things done in the most productive way.

Power Your Flywheel to Improve Your Employee Engagement Score

Power Your Flywheel to Improve Your Employee Engagement Score

I get particularly excited when an opportunity arises for us to combine an important topic and a powerful exercise into one. In this case, I’m referring to employee engagement and the Flywheel Effect. For those of us who aren’t familiar, the Flywheel Effect, a term coined by author Jim Collins, describes the momentum gained from small wins that accumulate over time and generate growth and improvement. Each turn of our “flywheel” builds upon work done previously and when we stay focused on core concepts that power our flywheel it can lead to tremendous success.

The 3 Questions to Build Your Dream Team

The 3 Questions to Build Your Dream Team


The power of this two-syllable word can dramatically change the way our organizations operate and its ability to both survive and thrive.

In honor of the 20th anniversary since the book’s original publishing, author Patrick Lencioni recently hosted a webinar on his bestseller, The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team. Throughout the presentation, Lencioni not only shares how to overcome the 5 dysfunctions, but also discusses the ‘Teamwork Trifecta’. This focuses on how to create a high-performing team and addresses the most critical questions around teams within an organization. I have found these to be tremendously helpful resources and useful tools as I coach leadership teams.